Medicine- The Healing of Spiritual Unwellness
I have been a practicing physician for more than 25 years. I have taken care of thousands of patients.
As a Hospitalist- a physician in internal medicine who takes care of hospitalized patients- I have taken care of some of the sickest of the sickest.
I have cared for patients with heart attacks and those with broken hearts. Patients with strokes as well as those with mental and psychological breakdowns.
I have treated everything from cancer to COVID.
I have taken care of patients who were released to home after a few days in the hospital, and some who were hospitalized for months.
Patients who were destined to return home from the hospital feeling better than ever before; and those who were destined to never leave.
In some cases, I have been present during their last hours of life in their final state of transient physical beingness.
In all, I have cared for hundreds of patients throughout their moments of greatest physical need and their hours of toughest spiritual battles.
Over the many persons I have cared for, I came to recognize a truth.
During these times of greatest sufferings, it is the spiritual man, not the physical man, that requires the greatest consideration.
Patient after patient I slowly began to solidify one conviction.
The belief that there is no true healing of the physical man, without acknowledging the spiritual man.
Even as a physician (a healer of the physical man) the reality was clear to me.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience but rather we are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience.
Thus, the physical disease of human beingness emanates from the dis-ease of spiritual beingness, and the manifestation of disease is more a product of spiritual unwellness than it is the essence of physical unwellness.
My Awakening- My Spiritual Journey to Higher Consciousness
Understanding the role of spirituality in physical disease, I appreciated that if I was to spend the rest of my life attempting to heal the spiritual beingness of others, I was going to have to learn how to heal my own spiritual man first.
I was going to have to search my own inner self to uncover my true spiritual beingness.
My own spiritual unwellness.
My own hidden ‘inner child’ wounds, deeply buried in the subconscious mind of my carnal man.
I had considered this journey before but excused myself behind the busyness of my life, as a medical student, resident, and later practicing physician.
I convinced myself, that while purposefully skipping over this particular homework assignment, I had somehow managed to pass the test of life anyway.
So, I didn’t really need to go back and finish it. Or did I?
I knew, deep down, that the real reason for this avoidance wasn’t busyness, it was fear.
The fear that this journey would reveal a hidden truth.
A truth that I had subconsciously submerged deep within my pain-body long ago.
The truth that I indeed had a wounded inner child and that his wounds might open a festering weakness.
A weakness that might subvert my present worldly success. A vulnerability maybe?
I had never truly wanted to face this inner child.
I had purposefully neglected him for this very reason.
I had pushed him aside because he didn’t really fit with the rest of my conscious life goals.
I had abandoned him.
He was an impediment. A nuisance. A barrier for the egoic me.
Even worse he might be a mirror. A reflection of my deepest fear and wounds.
I wasn’t sure I was ready to face the self-reflection of my wounded inner child. But I had to.
After years of experiencing my spiritual beingness only as a physical man, I knew I would have to travel through my own course of spiritual maturation, spiritual enlightenment, and spiritual awakening.
My own journey of spiritual consciousness to my own spiritual well-beingness, or lack thereof.
This journey from a traditional physician to student of spiritual enlightenment led me to the breakthrough of ‘The7Realms’.
The discovery of “The7Realms’ evolved from my intense desire to understand the unique patterns I uncovered while immersed in my passionate self-study of the Bible.
These patterns revealed a path to spiritual consciousness which became the structural foundation for my practice of Christian Mindfulness and Biblical Meditation.
I had begun the practice of mindfulness meditation in my early thirties.
Once I decided to intensify my search for my spiritual man, I chose to intensify my meditation practice.
I had begun to combine my Christian Mindfulness with a self-taught Biblical Meditation practice and the results had been impressive.
I was able to accelerate my understanding of the Biblical Word by associated word patterns I identified in the Bible as I studied and meditated.
This unique form of prayer-meditation led to my discovery of ‘The7Realms’ and transformed my spiritual journey to my inner child into an ever-evolving period of spiritual growth and spiritual maturation.
I am still on this journey, and it will likely encompass a lifetime, as it does for us all.